Friday, January 25, 2013

Last Day Reflections

What did you learn about photography that you did not know before?
Through out the semester, you showed us a bunch of different videos that had to do with photography. I gained a lot of knowledge about photography through those videos. For example, there was one video you showed us that had to do with taking your body and putting it into nature. I thought that was amazing that you could actually configure your body to being apart of a tree, or of snow or even water. I also learned a lot about how to actually take a picture and how to set it up. I didn't know that lighting was so important. I mean, I totally understood that lighting had a big part of photography, but I didn't fully grasp its importance until the light project. It took a large amount of time for me to actually get the right lighting, or the right angle of light, or even the absence of light. I think that this photography class really broadened my understanding of photography, and taught me that you don't have to do the normal. You can basically do whatever you want, however you want, and be as creative as necessary. AND YOU CAN MAKE A CAMERA OUT OF YOUR ROOM! 

What did you learn about yourself this semester?
I learned that at the beginning of the year, I was really boring and bland. You basically threw all these examples and videos of photography in our faces, and I could not even imagine myself being that creative. I always thought that I was outside of the box, but coming into this class, I realized I was not quite there yet. However, I did realize that I had the capacity to go above and beyond. I worked through it, and I discovered that ultimately, I was not boring. 

What do you wish we had done that we did not?
I wish that we had done landscape photography. I think that even just within the confines of Portland, there are so many beautiful places. I really enjoy the land, and the buildings and just the location. Personally, I think that Oregon is one of the most beautiful states, and that our landscape mixed in with Oregons natural light, would make for some pretty awesome pictures. 

What was your struggle?
I think that time management was my overall struggle. Between my job, watching my nieces, family stuff and other classes, it was really hard to find the time to take a chunk out of my day and just focus on photography. I wish that I would have had more time to do things and really excel and do everything that I wanted to do to my full capacity. 

What did you conquer?
Overall, I think I conquered my fear of being judged by my photographs. I always have this fear that everybody intently watches my every move and judges everything I do. But through out this class, I discovered that nobody really cares. I never once got judged for what I did, or what I did not do. My photos are my own personal moments, and nobody has the right to judge to them. I think that your attitude helped with that. The way you present yourself with such reassurance, kind of just made its way to me. 

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